Travelling with children can be daunting! What if you could hire a reliable travel companion who would take care of your child while they’re travelling with you so that you could be confident that your whole family would have a pleasant travel experience? Look no further than Smart Babysitters. Our childcare experts have the experience to provide seamless travel companion services. We will listen to your specific needs and offer you bespoke services that enable us to cater to your expectations.

We have the knowledge needed to manage any anxiety your child might show, and provide you with the peace of mind that they are in the right hands. We will take care of your child in line with your instructions and walk them through the travel requirements including airport security checks.

Our childcare experts have required certifications, to cover any emergencies. You can also be assured that your Smart Babysitters’ travel companion will stay by your child’s side and provide them with the support they need to have a smooth journey.

You can contact us for emergency travel support or reach out to us ahead of your travel dates and we will provide you with our best and most reliable travel companions for your journey. With us in your corner, you can rest assured that we will keep your child well-entertained while travelling so that you can also have a memorable and stress-free time.

Are you ready to use the best holiday care & travel companion services in the UAE? Get in touch with Smart Babysitters!