At Smart Babysitters, our internationally accredited workshops will help empower you as parents to raise your baby or toddler with confidence. We offer BabyCalm™ and ToddlerCalm™ workshops in Dubai.


This a workshop for couples to learn about what life with a baby will be like, and find out how to make it as calm and enjoyable as possible in your early days and weeks as a family. We will coach you on parenting a newborn with techniques that gently ease the baby into the world, help you understand why your baby cries and how to calm your baby, and increase your confidence as a new parent.


A workshop for parents of children aged one to four years old. We will help you cope with toddler troubles, such as tantrums, sleep problems, picky eating or just generally upset in your home. ToddlerCalm™ offers a gentle, thoughtful and evidence-based approach to parenting your toddler.

Please book your workshop now!